Food for my team

For over 15 years, I have had the immense privilege of being helped by the company Royal Canin with supplying the food for my team.

In 2014 the brand's "Marathon" line was launched, and in that year I won the Grand Odyssée (800 km).

I haven't given my dogs meat for a long time; instead I rely on Royal Canin. Even for the snacks I give them during the race, I use their canned hyper-digestible foods to keep them energized.


Puppies at their moms
are fed with the Starter


Staring at 3 months old,
they grow up with Puppy.

4800 My advice

Used in the detraining phase
and in the summer when they are resting.


As adults, I nourish my team exclusively with Marathon during their training and racing phase.

If any of my dogs encounter a small intestinal problem, I provide them with Gastrointestinal or Sensitivity control until they feel better (a few days). Personally, I always purchase the Booster, Gastrointestinal or the Recovery for their snacks.

These I cut into slices, freeze, and feed them to my team when they are on the trail, providing them with a hyper digestible product which is very easy to digest and which provides them with the necessary energy to keep running.

I have been able to test the Marathon product, and I am happy to share my feedback.

You now know all about my nutrition secrets: Simple and Effective!

A line of Royal Canin,
used for snacks
and digestive problems.


Food for my team

For over 15 years, I have had the immense privilege of being helped by the company Royal Canin with supplying the food for my team.

In 2014 the brand's "Marathon" line was launched, and in that year I won the Grand Odyssée (800 km).

I haven't given my dogs meat for a long time; instead I rely on Royal Canin. Even for the snacks I give them during the race, I use their canned hyper-digestible foods to keep them energized.


Puppies at their moms
are fed with the Starter


Staring at 3 months old,
they grow up with Puppy.

4800 My advice
Energy 4800

Used in the detraining phase
and in the summer when they are resting.


As adults, I nourish my team exclusively with Marathon during their training and racing phase.

A line of Royal Canin, used for snacks and digestive troubles

If any of my dogs encounter a small intestinal problem, I provide them with Gastrointestinal or Sensitivity control until they feel better (a few days). Personally, I always purchase the BoosterGastrointestinal or the Recovery for their snacks.

These I cut into slices, freeze, and feed them to my team when they are on the trail, providing them with a hyper digestible product which is very easy to digest and which provides them with the necessary energy to keep running.

I have been able to test the Marathon product, and I am happy to share my feedback.

You now know all about my nutrition secrets: Simple and Effective!